Poems, Love Poems and Quotes, Love quotes, Friendship Poems, Facebook Quotes, Christmas Poems , Christmas Quotes

My heart is born because of you

When you look at me with your smiles My heart beats like a crazy When you touch my hand with your warmth My body shake like a crazy When you speak to me with yours lovely My lip was shocked like a crazy When you are angry with your love I feel sorry like a […]


Crazy thoughts Crazy nights It’s a crazy town A crazy world People starving People living the life Many struggling to survive Greed and gluttony Wars and fights If only We could put this Crazy world to right We search for peace And a loving calm But theirs to much craziness For wounds to heal The […]


I am crazy enough to jump off a bridge for you Even when i have seen you only ounce. I am crazy enough to still be thining about you Even when i know nohting of you at all crazy enough to build castles in the sky crazy enough to imagine you and me crazy enoughto […]


In a whirlwind of numbness, there is nothing but madness this pen is my release, the ink it is my blood everything I see and everything I do haunts my life, my everyday it tells me I am crazy Crazy am I, a young girl who acts on impulse, who listens to her feelings as […]

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