Poems, Love Poems and Quotes, Love quotes, Friendship Poems, Facebook Quotes, Christmas Poems , Christmas Quotes

Two and a Half

Hold him a little longer, Rock him a little more, Tell him another story (You’ve only told him four.) Let him sleep on your shoulder, Rejoice in his happy smile. He is only two and a half For such a little while!

Angels Of Love

Our children are the stars of today. Our children are the joy of life. These Children are the angels of our lives. Children are a message of cheer and joy to The world. Listen to your children, have Faith and give them all the love they need. Children are our little angels of love. I […]


Many time I wish I could be younger for a while, No cares or responsibility Just that carefree child and smile. With wishes and dreams And plans and hopes, Yet many times it seems- The older I get, the harder to cope! I’ve grown from child to adult- I wonder what will be, I cannot […]

Only A Child

only a child can cry teardrops large enough to fill a bucket in seconds only a child has eyes that can draw you rapidly into their soul only a child has a heart that can be torn so brutally then laid out tenderly by soft pink hands

Art’s Discipline

Long since I came into the school of Art, A child in works, but not a child in heart. Slowly I learn, by her instruction mild, To be in works a man, in heart a child.

The Nit Picker

A garden full of tender care brings joy beyond and above NOT UNLIKE A CHILD When given unconditional love For like a garden that’s picked and picked a child will not grow for so much picking just destroys the roots and no more blossoms will show From the depth of the earth the weeds appear […]

Child To Mother

Child: Mom, why does it rain? Mother: Because that’s just how it is. Child: Mom, Mother: Yes child. Child: Why is the snow white? Mother: Because that’s just how it is. Child: Why is the ocean blue? Mother: Because that’s just how it is. Child: Mom, Mother: Yes dear, Child: If everything is just the […]

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