Poems, Love Poems and Quotes, Love quotes, Friendship Poems, Facebook Quotes, Christmas Poems , Christmas Quotes

Here Were Dragons

Ladies and gentlemen, moving along. Now here is an interesting site. An area where the dragons would throng to ululate throughout the night. As you will see from our careful recreation these creatures will often astound but they never deserved their dire reputation as the most fearsome creatures around With a forty foot wingspan or […]


When I am called to duty, God Whenever flames may rage, Give me the strength to save some life Whatever be its age, Help me embrace a little child Before it is too late Or save an older person from The horror of that fate Enable me to be alert and Hear the weakest shout […]

Thank you From A Fireman’s Daughter

With your heads held high you see the fire and still you walk through the door, When the last flames are doused and another home is spared is it something you are always thanked for? Another call comes in and you pull up to find a twisted wreckage on the freeway, So with your skillful […]

God’s Creation of a Firefighter

When the Lord was creating Firefighters, he was into his sixth day of overtime when an angel appeared and said, “You’re doing a lot of fiddling around on this one.” And the Lord said,” Have you read the specification on this person? Firefighters have to be able to go for hours fighting fires or tending […]

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