Poems, Love Poems and Quotes, Love quotes, Friendship Poems, Facebook Quotes, Christmas Poems , Christmas Quotes

A Song Of Joys

O to make the most jubilant song! Full of music-full of manhood, womanhood, infancy! Full of common employments-full of grain and trees. O for the voices of animals-O for the swiftness and balance of fishes! O for the dropping of raindrops in a song! O for the sunshine and motion of waves in a song! […]

The Song Of The Free

The wounded snake its hood unfurls, The flame stirred up doth blaze, The desert air resounds the calls Of heart-struck lion’s rage. The cloud puts forth it deluge strength When lightning cleaves its breast, When the soul is stirred to its in most depth Great ones unfold their best. Let eyes grow dim and heart […]

I’m Singing

I’m Singing… I’m Singing a New Song… Deep Inside my Heart… It’s a Song…that is different from any other song I have sung before… It is a Song of… A Song of Hope, A Song of Love, A Song of Fate, A Song of Peace, A Song of Friendship, A Song of Family, A Song […]

The Bullfrog Song

The bullfrog sang the strangest song, he sang it night and day. Ker-runk, ker-runk, ker-runk, ker-runk, ker-runk, was all it seemed to say. A duck who liked to sing thought he would give the song a try: Ker-runk, quack, quack, ker-runk, quack, quack they sang as I walked by. The spotted cow had never heard […]

Never Again Would Bird’s Song be the Same

He would declare and could himself believe That the birds there in all the garden round From having heard the daylong voice of Eve Had added to their own an oversound, Her tone of meaning but without the words. Admittedly an eloquence so soft Could only have had an influence on birds When call or […]

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