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Junky Car

What smoke, that is choking us The people ask, nobody knows what it is An old car that is honking With tricycle tires and a motor that is backwards I wait in the corner Like always his faithful girlfriend My friends are laughing Whispering things about him Old car, step by step Don’t stop coming […]

Silver Car Leaving

Its been so long since I have seen your face So long since I have fallen I know for certain my heart was true By the pain I still struggle with You walked away so long ago And left me broken and alone I can still feel the cracks of pain left along the seams […]

Car Repairs

We spend our money on new cars, Hoping for a break, From car repairs and all such stuff Those things our money take. Before too long, we find we’re wrong Back to the shop we go. We get a bill that robs our thrill, And almost all our dough. Back on the road, we head […]

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